The rapid evolution of contemporary computing technology has propelled individuals to generate an unprecedented volume of data, characterized by both its size and diversity—a phenomenon unparalleled in the annals of computing history. This surge in data has sparked a compelling need for effective processing and analysis, captivating the attention of researchers who endeavor to propose innovative solutions. In response to this burgeoning interest, the 7th International Conference on Data Science and Its Applications (ICoDSA) 2024, themed "Data for Good: Leveraging Data Science for Social Impact," has been meticulously organized.
The conference serves as a focal point for researchers to share and disseminate their noteworthy contributions in the realms of data science, computational linguistics, and information science. Encompassing a broad spectrum of relevant topics, 7th ICoDSA 2024 extends a warm invitation to researchers to explore and present their latest insights in these dynamic fields.
Papers from the previous ICoDSA indexed in Scopus:
Conf. Date
School of Computer Science and Mathematics,
John Moores University, England
Director CoE Humic Engineering, Telkom University, Bandung Indonesia
Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Biomedical
Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Director, ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hub for Future Digital Manufacturing, Swinburne University Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
The arrival of generative AI, especially ChatGPT, has revolutionized the educational landscape and offers unprecedented opportunities for personalized and interactive learning experiences. This tutorial examines the success of ChatGPT, powered by AI, as a learning assistant in data science and its wider applications. Using natural language processing capabilities, ChatGPT provides customized training, homework support, and real-time feedback, increasing students' understanding of complex data science concepts. The tutorial will assess ChatGPT's effectiveness in supporting knowledge acquisition, engagement, and continuous learning.
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Data clustering and classifications
Statistical model in data science
Machine learning in data science
Data visualization
Data mining
Data intelligence
Business intelligence and data warehousing
Cloud computing for Big Data
Data processing and analytics in IoT
Tools and applications in data science
Vision and future directions of data science
Machine Learning
Soft Computing
Evolutionary Computing
Fuzzy Systems
Cognitive Systems
Data Mining
Deep Learning
Ambient Intelligence
Bayesian Networks
Case-Based Reasoning
Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Industrial Applications of AI
Intelligent User Interfaces
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Knowledge-Based Systems
Model-Based Reasoning
Neural Networks
Planning and Scheduling
Quantum Artificial Intelligence
Text mining
Text Classification
Language resources
Information retrieval
Information extraction
Machine translation
Sentiment analysis
Syntactic parser
Question answering
Speech processing
Mathematical linguistics
NLP applications
Anonymity and User Privacy
Data Integrity and Privacy
Biometric Security and Applications
Network Security
Database Security
Multimedia Security, Steganography and Watermarking
Digital Forensics
Cryptography and Cryptographic Protocols
Malware Detection and Mitigation
Intrusion Detection and Response, Intrusion Prevention
Spam, Phishing and Fraud Detection
E-Commerce Security, E-Government Security, E-Health and Others
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Security
Social Engineering, Cyber Ethics and Cyber Crime
Cyber Threat Intelligence
Cybersecurity Awareness, Assurance & Management
Blockchain & Cyber security
Internet of Things (IoT)
Network system
Cloud computing
Complex Network
Cloud, IoT and Robotics Integration
Machine Vision
Knowledge Acquisition in Intelligent
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers of 4-6 pages (including tables, figures and references) in standard IEEE double-column format. Please submit your paper via New users are required to register with EDAS before paper submission. Each full registration for the conference will cover one paper.
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LaTeX Template Instructions (PDF, 63 KB) [Be sure to use the template's conference mode.]
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Steering Committee:
Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya (Telkom University, Indonesia)
Prof. Datuk Ts. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Bin Ismail (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)
Technical Program Committee Chair:
Dr. Hilal Hudan Nuha, S.T., M.T. (Telkom University, Indonesia)
Dr. Fuad Abdul Galeel A. G. (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)
Prof. Dr. I.K.G. Bendesa, M.A.D.E (Universitas Bali Internasional, Indonesia)
Dr. I Ketut Tunas, M.Si. (Universitas Bali Internasional, Indonesia)
Gde Palguna Reganata, S.Si., M.Si. (Universitas Bali Internasional, Indonesia)
Secretary and Relationship:
Mrs. Amila Nafila Vidyana, S.I.Kom (Telkom University, Indonesia)
Mrs. Rashidah Kadir (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)
Mrs. Rashidah Kadir (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)
Publication Member:
Dr. Arafat Mohammed Rashad A (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)
Dr. Muhalim Mohamed Amin (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)
Dr. Favian Dewanta (Telkom university Indonsia)
Dr. Mohd Foad Rohani (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)
Mrs. Lastrimurni Dongoran, S.Kom (Telkom University, Indonesia)
General Chair:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Putu Harry Gunawan (Telkom University, Indonesia)
Publication Chair:
Dr. Satria Mandala (Telkom University, Indonesia)
Dr. Bander Ali (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)
Dr. Ledya Novamizanti (Telkom University, Indonesia)
Program Committee:
Prof. Dr. Shukor Abd Razak (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)
Dr. Hazinah Kutty Mammi (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)
Dr. Maheyzah Siraj (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)
I Kadek Arya Sugianta, S.Kom., M.Kom. (Universitas Bali Internasional, Indonesia)
Khadijah Febriana Rukhmanti Udhayana, HR. S.T., M.Kom. (Universitas Bali Internasional, Indonesia)
I Gede Wahyu Surya Dharma, S.Kom., M.Kom. (Universitas Bali Internasional, Indonesia)
I Gede Karang Komala Putra S.Kom.,M.Kom. (Universitas Bali Internasional, Indonesia)
Ni Kadek Winda Patriani, S.Kom., M.Kom. (Universitas Bali Internasional,Indonesia)
Muhammad Rakha, S.T., M.Kom (Telkom University, Indonesia)
Mr. Mahendra Dwifebri Purbolaksono, S.Kom., M.Kom (Telkom University, Indonesia)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norafida Ithnin (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)
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