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Practical Mobile Ethical Hacking Training Workshop

Mobile hacking is a growing cybersecurity concern that affects individuals and businesses at all levels. Cybercriminals make use of many vulnerabilities in mobile platforms and/or applications and carry out several types of attacks that compromise the data privacy, integrity, and confidentiality on mobile devices. This workshop aims to introduce the main principles of mobile device security, vulnerabilities, and exploits. The participants will learn how to analyze and evaluate threats against mobile applications and identify potential vulnerabilities. They will be exposed to real-world demos of mobile penetration testing and learn the principles of securing mobile devices and applications. The following are some topics that will be covered.

  • Mobile Device Hacking Surface
  • Mobile Device Hacking Stages
  • Mobile Devices Vulnerabilities Scanning
  • Exploitation of Vulnerabilities
  • Creating payloads to control mobile devices
  • Real Live Demos of Mobile Hacking
  • Controlling mobile devices remotely
  • And many more!
Dr. Fuad A. Ghaleb is a senior lecturer and cybersecurity researcher at the School of Computing, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He is a member of the Cyber Threats Intelligence Lab and member of the Information Assurance and Security Research Group (IASRG). He teaches many cybersecurity subjects including penetration testing, malware analysis, database security, and computer and network security. He is the author of 38 academic articles related to cybersecurity that are published in high-quality ranked journals rebuttable journals. He is a cybersecurity consultant for many organizations and research projects. He was trained by Cyber Security Malaysia (CSM) as a Certified Penetration Tester (CPT) and Certified Information Security Awareness Manager (CISAM). Dr. Fuad also attended many courses in cybersecurity such as Certified Network Security Specialist (CNSS) and Mobile Hacking. He has a solid foundation in information security, data science, machine learning, and deep learning, and the topics in the field of computer science and computer engineering. Dr. Fuad has been involved in designing and developing many applications and has experience from industry in designing secure web applications, secure mobile applications, and secure communication protocols.
Bander Ali Saleh Al-Rimy is a senior lecturer in cybersecurity with the School of Computing, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He received the B.Sc. degree in computer engineering from the Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University, Yemen, in 2003, the M.Sc. degree in information technology from OUM, Malaysia, in 2013, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru, Malaysia, in 2019, with a focus on Malware analysis. He also provides cybersecurity-related training and consultancy. His research interest is on Malware, IDS, network security, and routing technologies. Bander also attended several cybersecurity training including but not limited to CSAP, CNSS, Cisco CyberOps, and CISSP. He was a recipient of several academic awards and recognitions, like the UTM Alumni Award, the UTM Best Postgraduate Student Award, the UTM Merit Award, the UTM Excellence Award, the OUM Distinction Award, and several Best Research Paper awards.
The Role of Data Preparation on The Real World Data Science Application

Data preparation is an essential part of data analysis and it usally takes the largest total time spent on the whole data science project. However, it seems there is only little attention to the step. For example, on university, students were usually used cleaned/preprocessed data. It is very rare to see the raw data used as the case on school/university courses, as usually found in the real world application. This workshop aims to broaden the audience horizon about the role of data preparation on the real world application, delivered by the experienced data science practitioners. The participants will learn directly from the data science experts about several data preparation procedures that might be never been discussed intensively at the school but actually used very oftenly in the industry. The speakers will also share several case studies on data preparation based on real world problems.

Muhammad Haris received S. Kom (Bachelor of Computer Science) from the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia, in 2009. Then, he received the M. Eng and Dr. Eng degree from Department of Intelligent Interaction Technologies, University of Tsukuba, Japan, in 2014 and 2017, respectively, under the supervision of Dr. Hajime Nobuhara. He worked as postdoctoral fellow in Intelligent Information Media Laboratory, Toyota Technological Institute with Prof. Norimichi Ukita. Currently, he is working as AI Research Manager at BukaLapak. His main roles on the current position are:
  • People manager for Computer Vision, Information Processing, and Time-series Processing Team
  • Act as AI expert to assist team member solving the related problems to build in-house solution
  • Ensure the alignment between business and technical requirements
  • Provide information driven insight to help understanding AI based solution solving the company problem and identifying opportunities